At the WMSoc AGM in September 2023, four new Council members were elected by the membership. The new Council members are:
Bill Robinson NEBOSH, Tech IOSH, SMWMSoc, AIIRSM. Bill is the Regional Manager (North) for Costain Industrial Cooling.
Craig Morning MWMSoc MIHEEM. Craig is Senior Engineer at NHS National Services Scotland and has over 17 years in water hygiene.
Steven Van De Peer EngTech, TMIET, MWMSoc, AMIHEEM. Steven is a Principal Consultant & Authorising Engineer specialising in waterborne pathogens and confined spaces at Tetra Consulting Ltd.
Tom Makin jnr. MWMSoc, MIHEEM Bsc Hons Tom is an Authorising Engineer for Water, CEO & Chief Consultant at Envirocloud Ltd. and a co-author of the Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: Safe water in healthcare premises.